Today is March 28, 2025 /

Temple Israel of Scranton

Temple Israel of Scranton

An Egalitarian, Conservative Jewish Congregation – Be A Part of Us!

918 East Gibson Street, Scranton, PA 18510
(570) 342-0350 | Email Us

Reba & Art Douglass Religious School

The Reba and Art Douglass Religious School

Building a strong foundation through education, Temple Israel offers a comprehensive religious school program, which instills in young people respect and love of God, Torah, and the values inherent in Jewish traditions. The Reba & Art Douglass Religious School guides our students to discover, explore, and develop their knowledge and skills to live Jewishly in the world around them. Blending the formal and the informal, we facilitate meaningful programs that connect our students to one another, to their families, and to the greater Jewish community.

Our program focuses on Jewish history, Torah, life cycle, holidays, Jewish values, and Israel. Our students read Hebrew, understand tefillah (prayer), and are comfortable participating in synagogue services. We encourage active participation in synagogue life and provide opportunities for parents to model continuing Jewish education. Family involvement is essential to a child’s developing Jewish identity and the reinforcement of classroom lessons.

Bar and Bat Mitzvah students receive special attention as the Rabbi, Cantor, and faculty work to assist the prospective bar/bat mitzvah candidate in gaining both familiarity and practice in synagogue skills. A “standards-based” checklist of competencies required for bar/bat mitzvah is available for parents and will be discussed when the initial planning meeting with Rabbi is scheduled.

Our Religious School is a warm and caring community of scholars – old and young – whose aim is to broaden, deepen, and enrich the study and practice of Conservative Judaism.

Welcome! We are delighted to have you as part of the Temple Israel family – may your children’s time with us be fulfilling in every way!

For registration information call the Temple office at 570.342.0350 or email the office at