Today is March 13, 2025 /

Temple Israel of Scranton

Temple Israel of Scranton

An Egalitarian, Conservative Jewish Congregation – Be A Part of Us!

918 East Gibson Street, Scranton, PA 18510
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Work-Life Balance in Ancient Times: Why the Rabbis Left Their Homes to Study Torah

August 9, 2021 - August 10, 2021, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

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We often think of questions about how to balance work and family as modern ones. However, a series of stories in Ketubot show that people have been struggling with these issues for hundreds of years. In these stories, the rabbis leave home to learn Torah, and often return to domestic chaos. Join Dr. Rachel Rosenthal to explore these stories to better understand how the rabbis understood their obligations to Torah, to themselves, and to their families.  

If you have previously registered for another session in this series, your registration admits you to all sessions in the series, and you may attend as many as you’d like.