Today is March 25, 2025 /

Temple Israel of Scranton

Temple Israel of Scranton

An Egalitarian, Conservative Jewish Congregation – Be A Part of Us!

918 East Gibson Street, Scranton, PA 18510
(570) 342-0350 | Email Us

Adult Education

Adult Education Opportunities

ScholarStream and Post Discussion with Rabbi Spitzer

ScholarStream is an exceptional program that four institutions of the Conservative/Masorti Movement — the Rabbinical Assembly, USCJ, The Jewish Theological Seminary, and the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies — have created as a joint initiative to offer high-quality adult education opportunities. It is a chance for each one of us to learn from some of the world’s leading scholars and engage deeply with our texts and traditions. Temple Israel is a ScholarStream sponsor, which means that our members can take all courses at no charge.
It is an unparalleled opportunity.

You can attend on the Wednesday nights they are given, or you can listen to them on your own time; a link to the taped lecture will be sent to registrants.
Find a complete description of the topics here
Registration Link: Click here to register
Coupon Code: TIScranton21 – Code is case sensitive

The week after the lecture was given, we’ll meet at noon on Wednesday to discuss the topic.  You are invited to attend whether or not you have viewed the lecture. Our discussions are interesting, informative, and thought-provoking.

JTS Online Learning

JTS offers online classes that create live, interactive opportunities for study with top-caliber scholars. Encounter compelling Jewish scholarship that brings the texts and wisdom of our tradition to bear on contemporary dilemmas. Courses delve deeply into specific areas of Jewish text, history, philosophy, religion, arts, and literature. Learn more

JTS’s public lectures and events articulate a vision of what Judaism in North America is and might become. They feature engaging personalities—scholars, writers, artists, and community leaders who bring contemporary issues into dialogue with Jewish texts, values, traditions, and themes. Learn more