Today is March 25, 2025 /

Temple Israel of Scranton

Temple Israel of Scranton

An Egalitarian, Conservative Jewish Congregation – Be A Part of Us!

918 East Gibson Street, Scranton, PA 18510
(570) 342-0350 | Email Us

Endowment Funds

If you would like to make a donation to one of our endowment funds, please click here 

Temple Fund – Contributions help support the general operating costs of Temple Israel.

Happiness Fund – Contributions support expenses for Kiddushes sponsored by Temple Israel

Building Preservation Fund – Contributions support the considerable cost of maintaining our historic synagogue.

Frances and Irving Kaufman Special Projects Fund – Established in memory of their parents by Howard Kaufman and Robin Kaufman. Funds support special projects related to the care and upkeep of our synagogue.

Elaine Bernstein Temple Beautification Fund – Elaine served with great distinction as the first woman president of Temple Israel. The fund was established in memory of Elaine by her husband Donald Bernstein. Contributions to this fund are used to beautify the Temple.

Levy Hall Fund – Contributions help support the general maintenance of Levy Hall.

Reba and Art Douglass Religious School Fund – Established in memory of Reba Douglass by her husband, Art, the funds are used to serve the various needs of the Religious School, including scholarships, special educational tools and/or equipment, special educational programs, etc.

Jaffe Family Education Fund – Funds are used for expenses associated with the management of our Hebrew School

Harry & Marion Nivert Programming Fund – Contributions are used for the various programs held at Temple Israel. Donations help keep events affordable for all members.

M.L. Hodin Scholar-in-Residence Fund – Contributions to this fund are used to present outstanding Jewish scholars to the membership and community.

Irving and Fraydel Eisenstat Leadership Development Fund – Contributions to this fund are used for leadership development, specifically in areas such as the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism conventions and conferences.

Michael L. and Sara Goodman Scholarship FundEstablished in memory of the Goodmans, the fund is used for the purchase of technology and software.

Norman H. Hollander Memorial Fund – Created in memory of the late Norman H. Hollander by his family. The funds are used to provide kiddush cups for Bar and Bat Mitzvahs.

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund – Perpetuating the Jewish value of tzedakah, this fund is used to help those in need on a confidential basis – in the greater Jewish community, the Scranton community, or those who are members of our congregation. In addition, this fund helps support Jewish and non-Jewish organizations engaged in tzedakah.

Sara Morris Mitzvah Fund – Funds the services of the committee including shiva meals, holiday packages to our home bound congregants, congregants in need as well as those in need in the greater Jewish community, and the Scranton community. In addition, this fund helps support Jewish and non-Jewish organizations engaged in tzedakah.

Prayer Book/Siddur FundA new prayer book can be purchased in honor or memory of some person or occasion. At present, the cost of a new prayer book is $50.00

Donation Form